Sabtu, 02 Februari 2008

What Is Attraction Marketing?

Attraction marketing is the refreshing new method being embraced by network marketers and in fact, by marketers in many other areas of the selling arena. It flies in the face of traditional methods taught for decades about the best way to gain customers and in most cases, outperforms the old ways.

At the core of attraction marketing is the belief that people love to buy, but hate to be sold to. The solution then, is to somehow make them want to buy, because they like to do that. And you have to do it without selling to them, because they hate that. Sound impossible?

Not only is it possible, but it’s turning around the business of thousands of network marketers. People unable to break even before learning the process of attraction marketing are now making more money than they ever thought possible.

So what is the magic of attraction marketing? It turns the table on the whole selling process. Instead of having to hunt down prospects and alienate friends and family to convince them they need what you have to sell, with attraction marketing your prospects seek you out. They’re already interested and in many cases, ready to buy or sign up. This is the power behind attraction marketing.

Network marketers are learning the teachings of attraction marketing to draw customers and prospects, instead of chasing after them. They’re pulling people towards them that already want what they’re selling.

The old methods used by network marketers consisted of introducing friends and family first to the product or business opportunity. Then there was the ‘3-foot rule’, which basically says you talk about the product or business opportunity to anyone you get within 3 feet of, such as standing in line at the bank, post office or grocery store.

Oh, and we can’t forget good old cold calls. Aren’t they fun? Picking up the phone and calling total strangers to tell them about what you have to offer and try to convince them why they need it. And more often than not, being hung up on.

The problem with the old method is that it makes you approach people who have never expressed an interest in what you have. And the conversion rate is typically quite low. Which is why ‘It’s all about the numbers’ is repeated over and over again within network marketing circles. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Attraction marketing changes all that and the Internet makes it easier than ever before. You can use a website, an ezine or newsletter, article marketing, even teleseminars to attract potential customers to you. Giving these people valuable information once they’ve found you and the almost automatic filtering process begins.

Those who aren’t interested won’t pursue it any further. Those are the ones who would have hung up on you when you called. They’re the ones who would cut you off in mid sentence to tell you they’re not interested. With attraction marketing, you don’t have to encounter these folks.

On the other hand, the ones who are interested will continue. They’ll sign up for more information or buy the product or whatever it is you’re wanting them to do because they already have some level of desire for what you’re offering. Your conversion rates among these prospects will skyrocket.

Attraction marketing is changing forever the way independent marketers approach the business of gaining customers. The whole sales mindset is changing as well. Savvy marketers seek ways to serve their prospects first. It’s that service that helps turn the prospect into a loyal customer.

By: shannon lokker

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Work From Home Jobs Getting Easier

Looking to contribute to the familys finances or earn some cash to put towards retirement but you cannot get away from home? Or maybe you want your own office with a private bathroom. Then consider a work from home job. Envision yourself at your personal desk earning money from a freelance or full time job while watching Judge Judy. Well, there is a range of jobs or careers that are great for you.

People who work from home are just like the folks who put on a coat and tie, except they work in their pajamas. The work from home commute is usually just several steps from the bed wearing a pair of socks or slippers. In fact, they are a bit different. They are smarter because they can pretty much do the same jobs as people who ride or drive hundreds of wasted miles a week in an uncomfortable and cheap suit. A decade ago, work from home was difficult, but in the present with the advancement in technology, it is easier and becoming more common to work from home. Have you ever thought why you go to work when you can do the same thing from your home computer?

For years it was the stay at home mom and stay at home dad who work from home. Now it is the single mothers, single dads, and single people. Pretty much anyone in any office job can work from home. Computers in an office are exactly the same as the one you have at your home. And with email and fax machines document are easily delivered to whoever you are working for. Most work from home jobs let you set your own hours. Others let you decide on how much money you want to make depending on how much you want to work. The work from home jobs is increasing as many companies are considering outsourcing as a way to save money. So if it is a baby that is keeping you home or you just want to earn some extra money, look into a work from home job.

Here is a summery of what you will find to be the most popular work from home jobs. Customer service is a growing work from home opportunity. Just sit back and wait for the phone to ring. Many popular retailers are calling on work from home people to answer calls from their customers. To qualify you must possess three things, a computer, high speed internet connection, and a telephone. If your are a information technology professional, or computer nerd to the layperson, you can work from home. If you enjoy problem solving, which you should if you are a computer technician, you trouble shoot a customers computer issue over the phone or in person. And at last, another cool work from home job is secret shopping. Work from home for your favorite retail store or restaurant and evaluate their sales performance through your experience.

Keep in mind that you are not limited to what is advertised. The trick is to sell your services to the companies you like.

By: Self Storage

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A Work At Home Business Is Not For Everyone

As you might know working from home has many advantages: Freedom, no boss, more time available, flexible schedule, no limits on income to name a few. This article will focus around some of the most notable challenges you will have to face at some point when you decide to work at home.


If you live alone, then you will face isolation. With isolation you have no colleague to whom share ideas, consult, or ask for advice. You will need to seek these types of relationships elsewhere. You will find strength looking for people you can relate to for guidance, or just for mingling about your business.

The other challenge to overcome with isolation is that you will have to find ways to motivate yourself. Without much interruptions or a boss to answer to, you need to provide this situation yourself. Interruptions force us to take breaks on us, which in turn, tend to increase productivity. You need to think how you will ensure that you take breaks at certain intervals.


If you are not an organized person, you will face this problem. When building a business, a plan is a must. This also apply to your marketing efforts, which will be a big part of your tasks when running a business. It must be well planned and executed everyday.

Also you must evaluate the success of your activities and review them every week to have a clear picture about where you stand. If things are not going as plan, revise your plan, and identify what needs to be changed in order to reach your goal. Also it helps incorporating your tasks into your daily activities.


When you work from home you can decide when you work, but might run the risk of sacrificing your own personal time. You need to make up the time somewhere. The work has to be done. You might want to complete it during the weekends, nights, or any other time you wish, but you will find that balancing work and other daily tasks can become stressful and quite challenging.

If you have a family you might find yourself into an argument about the extra time you spend doing work. If you live along, you might run the risk of compromising your personal time. That's why you need to think about where you will place the line between work and personal life. It is a balancing act.


Starting a business means hard work and long working hours. It isn't that easy. Sure, those long working hours are all dedicated toward your own business. It’s also your time and effort, and the work must be done. If you own a business that you love and feel passionate about it, then the work will be more like playing and you'll enjoy doing it, that’s a desirable thing to have. But at the end of the day, you will definitively be tired like anybody else, and sometime feeling like you’re not making any progress. It is here when you will need to adjust your plan and keep going.


It is hard to come by, especially at the beginning. You will need to have a smart business plan, and be able to adapt your plan as you go, particularly when you reach limits, ceiling, and hurdles; which will inevitably happen.

You will need to be well organized, persistent and focused on what you're doing. Income is a bit hard to obtain at the beginning, so what you gain in high income potential having your own business, you'll lose in health insurance, earning security, retirement plans, and other jobs benefits.


You'll need to find creative ways to sell, no matter what your business is; be it a product, service, of your own or someone else. You will always have to respond to or please someone beside yourself in order to reach the ultimate goal of earning money. At some point, you will need to balance your income goals, your desire for creativity, and the demands of your clients.

Sometimes your creativity is in sync with what your clients want or in some situations, you’ll need to sacrifice your creative freedom in order to meet your income goals. That's the reason why the needs and desires of your clients will influence how our creativity manifests in the final product and/or service delivery. It’s a matter of balancing your income goals with your desire for maximum creativity results.

Final Thoughts

This article is meant to prepare you for the challenges and difficulties you'll have to overcome when pursuing your dream of starting your own work at home business. I'm not trying to discourage you in any way, instead I want you to be aware of these challenges so you'll know what to expect in advance. Start with ideas that you are good at it and really love to do.

Working at home is hard work. It can be made easier by looking for or creating work that you already know how to do, or that you’re really passionate about. If you make the decision to start your own business, you’ll have to plan how you will handle these challenges. Having a home based business can be exciting but definitively, it is not for everyone.

By: Javier Garcia

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Best Tips in Viral Marketing

Stop with the enforced e-mail forwards already! Trying to force or bribe people to forward your info to a friends or family in order to be rewarded or win looks skanky in today's ultra-permission-based world. Especially when you tell visitors nothing about their friend's or family’s privacy in the space directly next to the e-mail form.

A true viral campaign gets forwarded because consumers are compelled to do so by the glory of the content, not because you bribed them with points or something else.

What absolutely will not work:

Suggesting that e-mail recipients forward your message to their friends and family will not work. Adding a line at the bottom of your e-mail that reads “Please feel free to forward this message to a friend” is more likely to get it deleted than forwarded.

What absolutely will work:

Offering something worthy of sharing like a valuable discount, vital information or offering an incentive for sharing like additional entries into a sweepstakes or an added discount or premium service will work.

Relevant or timely information, research, or studies that are included in your e-mail might encourage the recipients to share with their family and friends. Interactive content like a quiz or test, especially if it’s fun, will inspire forwarding.

Jokes and cartoons are almost always forwarded to everybody the recipient knows. Why? Because they are entertaining and entertainment is meant to be shared.

A really cool multimedia experience is always going to achieve a lot of pass-along. Rich media is new and the novelty and tech factors alone are often enough to make the e-mail recipient eager to share it.

Oops! Almost forgot one really important thing….You can craft a brilliant e-mail following all the rules, but if a consumer visits your site and has an experience less that what was promised, you are going to achieve viral marketing, alright…the bad kind. So be certain that your product or service is ready and is as advertised.

By: Chris Kamen

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Jumat, 01 Februari 2008


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Thanks for your attention.