As you might know working from home has many advantages: Freedom, no boss, more time available, flexible schedule, no limits on income to name a few. This article will focus around some of the most notable challenges you will have to face at some point when you decide to work at home.
If you live alone, then you will face isolation. With isolation you have no colleague to whom share ideas, consult, or ask for advice. You will need to seek these types of relationships elsewhere. You will find strength looking for people you can relate to for guidance, or just for mingling about your business.
The other challenge to overcome with isolation is that you will have to find ways to motivate yourself. Without much interruptions or a boss to answer to, you need to provide this situation yourself. Interruptions force us to take breaks on us, which in turn, tend to increase productivity. You need to think how you will ensure that you take breaks at certain intervals.
If you are not an organized person, you will face this problem. When building a business, a plan is a must. This also apply to your marketing efforts, which will be a big part of your tasks when running a business. It must be well planned and executed everyday.
Also you must evaluate the success of your activities and review them every week to have a clear picture about where you stand. If things are not going as plan, revise your plan, and identify what needs to be changed in order to reach your goal. Also it helps incorporating your tasks into your daily activities.
When you work from home you can decide when you work, but might run the risk of sacrificing your own personal time. You need to make up the time somewhere. The work has to be done. You might want to complete it during the weekends, nights, or any other time you wish, but you will find that balancing work and other daily tasks can become stressful and quite challenging.
If you have a family you might find yourself into an argument about the extra time you spend doing work. If you live along, you might run the risk of compromising your personal time. That's why you need to think about where you will place the line between work and personal life. It is a balancing act.
Starting a business means hard work and long working hours. It isn't that easy. Sure, those long working hours are all dedicated toward your own business. It’s also your time and effort, and the work must be done. If you own a business that you love and feel passionate about it, then the work will be more like playing and you'll enjoy doing it, that’s a desirable thing to have. But at the end of the day, you will definitively be tired like anybody else, and sometime feeling like you’re not making any progress. It is here when you will need to adjust your plan and keep going.
It is hard to come by, especially at the beginning. You will need to have a smart business plan, and be able to adapt your plan as you go, particularly when you reach limits, ceiling, and hurdles; which will inevitably happen.
You will need to be well organized, persistent and focused on what you're doing. Income is a bit hard to obtain at the beginning, so what you gain in high income potential having your own business, you'll lose in health insurance, earning security, retirement plans, and other jobs benefits.
You'll need to find creative ways to sell, no matter what your business is; be it a product, service, of your own or someone else. You will always have to respond to or please someone beside yourself in order to reach the ultimate goal of earning money. At some point, you will need to balance your income goals, your desire for creativity, and the demands of your clients.
Sometimes your creativity is in sync with what your clients want or in some situations, you’ll need to sacrifice your creative freedom in order to meet your income goals. That's the reason why the needs and desires of your clients will influence how our creativity manifests in the final product and/or service delivery. It’s a matter of balancing your income goals with your desire for maximum creativity results.
Final Thoughts
This article is meant to prepare you for the challenges and difficulties you'll have to overcome when pursuing your dream of starting your own work at home business. I'm not trying to discourage you in any way, instead I want you to be aware of these challenges so you'll know what to expect in advance. Start with ideas that you are good at it and really love to do.
Working at home is hard work. It can be made easier by looking for or creating work that you already know how to do, or that you’re really passionate about. If you make the decision to start your own business, you’ll have to plan how you will handle these challenges. Having a home based business can be exciting but definitively, it is not for everyone.
By: Javier Garcia
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